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Say goodbye to cold feet!

The warmest gift on Earth? SOXS socks not only warm you up, but also write your story of love and warmth.

Never cold feet again. Isn’t that a great idea?

Nature knows what it does, so it gives sheep wool that is ideal for keeping warm. With wool socks, you keep your feet warm and comfortable.

SOXS soft wool socks are ideal not only for home lounging for a movie, series, or for running around the house, but also for walks in the woods, to work or for everyday wear.

Do you know what is really amazing about wool socks? They also have a cooling effect! Wool has the ability to regulate temperature and hydration. So no more sweaty or overheated feet during the summer. With SOXS socks, your feet will stay comfortable wherever the journey takes you.

The combination of traditional New Zealand sheep wool and modern technology makes it possible to produce wool socks that do not itch on your feet. Something many grandmothers could only envy us! SOXS socks keep your feet warm, aerated and even regulate humidity. The ideal combination for those who sweat their feet excessively.

You can wear SOXS socks at home as a replacement for slippers, but you can also use them as ski socks or a fashion accessory for shoes.

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